by Marie | Nov 6, 2019 | Past Events
Join us for planting, weeding, and mulching! Followed by a cooking class and lunch!
by Marie | Oct 15, 2019 | Past Events
Fort Lauderdale’s Central City Fall Festival/Halloween Costume Event for kids in our community. The event was hosted by Flash Lube located at 400 NE 13 St in Fort Lauderdale and sponsored in part by The Central City Alliance. Kids enjoyed a variety of free...
by Marie | May 21, 2019 | Meeting Minutes
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Central City Alliance was held at the Ironworkers Local on Thursday, May 16. The initial part of the meeting served as a meet and greet with food catered by B’s Specialties as well as an open bar. Up on the screen, a video of the Craft...